Cooking Plates Measurements
We have implemented a machine vision system, developed for fast and precise measurement of
cooking plate dimensions. To achieve the required accuracy two, cameras with telecentric lenses,
sub-pixel techniques and semi-automatic system calibration were used. The automated visual inspection
system has been integrated into the factory production line. It is operating in "real-time" and
enables 100 % dimensional inspection of parts.
Franci Lahajnar, Rok Bernard, Franjo Pernuš, Stanislav Kovačič,
"Automated visual inspection of cooking plates", V: BATCHELOR, Bruce G. (ed.),
MILLER, John W. V. (ed.), SNELL SOLOMON, Susan (ed.). Machine vision systems
for inspection and metrology VII : 4-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts,
(SPIE proceedings series, vol. 3521). Bellingham (Washington): SPIE-The
International Society for Optical Engineeering, cop. 1998, str. 260-267.
Franci Lahajnar, Rok Bernard, Franjo Pernuš, Stanislav Kovačič,
"Optical dimensional measurement of cooking plates", V: LEONARDIS, Aleš (ed.),
SOLINA, Franc (ed.). Computer vision - CVWW '98 : proceedings of the Computer
Vision Winter Workshop, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia, 9 - 12 February 1998.
Ljubljana: IEEE Slovenia section, 1998, str. 176-185.