CVBASE '06 Dataset download


CVBASE '06 Dataset License

Please read the following paragraphs carefully. We tried to phrase the licence in the way that would give the researchers maximum freedom of work and publication. Basically, we do not want unauthorized modifications of the dataset and we do not want dataset to be used in scientific fields for which it was not intended.

Download and use of CVBASE 06 Dataset are allowed under the following circumstances:

  • The dataset is copyrighted by University of Ljubljana and the authors: Janez Perš, Marta Bon and Goran Vučkovič.
  • Permission is granted for use of this dataset in research and development in the fields of computer vision, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and related scientific disciplines.
  • Permission is granted for use of the portions of this dataset as an illustration of the experimental data in any form of scientific publication, including, but not limited to conference proceedings, journal papers, research reports, posters and similar. That means, for example, that you may use images, trajectory data and annotations from the dataset in your publications without any copyright restrictions or special permissions from dataset authors. This permission is not restricted to CVBASE 06 papers!
  • Permission is granted to use of the portions of this dataset as an illustration of the experimental data in any form of oral presentation, related to the above mentioned scientific fields, including but not limited to conference talks, project presentations, tutorials, classroom talks and similar. That means, for example, that you can use images, videos, trajectory data and annotations from the dataset in your conference presentations without any copyright restrictions or special permissions from dataset authors. This permission is not restricted to CVBASE 06 papers!
  • Use of this dataset for exclusively sport related research is NOT permitted. That means, you may not use the trajectory data from this dataset and publish a scientific paper on player motion in squash or handball. Similarly, you may not use the annotation data to publis a scientific paper on the player and team activity in handball or squash.
  • Dataset may be freely distributed, as long as it remains in its original, unmodified form. If you are in doubt about dataset integrity, retrieve the original data from the internet addres: http://vision.fe.uni-lj.si/cvbase06/dataset.html.
  • Distribution of modified versions of this dataset is explicitly forbidden.
  • You agree that authors bear no responsibility for errors, mistakes, faults, missing data, innacuracies in trajectories or errors in annotations or any other problems that may arise with the dataset. In no event you will hold dataset authors responsible or liable for any problem with the dataset.
  • If you are in doubt about any of the above permissions or restrictions, or if you don't know how to apply this license to the your field of work, contact the dataset authors.
  • Credits for the experimental data, obtained from this dataset are greatly appreciated. If you decide for citation, please use the following credits: Janez Pers, Marta Bon, Goran Vuckovic: CVBASE 06 Dataset, available online: http://vision.fe.uni-lj.si/cvbase06/dataset.html


If you agree to all of the above, please click the button below. You can also provide your email address, if you want to receive news related to the dataset and the CVBASE 06 workshop.





If you don't agree, please click to the following link (and please email us why you think the license is too restrictive, you may convince us):

I don't agree




















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